As a last minute add on, Ricky Tomlinson invited PJ to be part of his Laughter Show in Benidorm Palace.
The Benidorm Palace is a very big Las Vegas style theatre, where you can dine and be entertained. No rows of chairs, but all little tables. The stage is enormous and supposed to be the biggest in Spain. I think the Palace holds over 3000 people and most tables were filled.
The show opened with the Riverdancers from the theatre doing their very strong performance. Ricky Tomlinson came next and presented all the acts during the show. The comedians were all very good. Tony Barton (Coronation Street) combined his jokes with a few songs like Delilah, suggesting he could outdo Proby. No such luck of course. Duncan Norvelle’s act was the main act for the comedians before the break and lasted an hour. He’s a very nice man and the audience loved him!
After the break we had theBalloon Act from two guys playing naked German soldiers, just dressed in helmets and holding a balloon in there hands. They were followed by female comedian Pauline Daniels . Then our own Vanity Fare was on! Vanity Fare gave the audience their three biggest hits and got some life into the people. Then it was Proby time! This was only the short show with 8 songs, like in the Oh Boy Tour. We got: Hurt, Mission Bell, Together, Maria, Hold Me, Somewhere, Lonely Weekends and Trilogy.
Although the formula was rather similar as in the Oh Boy Show, the effect was completely different. Vanity gave their great backing as usual. Sophie was sadly missed as there was not enough budget to bring her over as well. Steve Oakman made up by doing her solos very good on keyboard, but he didn’t have the legs!
PJ was wearing his white suit, combined with a white Benidorm T-shirt and looked very classy and yet relaxed! The big stage separated PJ from the band and the sun tanned man with the white suit and the white hair stood out like a True Lone Star. It was very impressive. The lighting was very good and the smoke machine heightened the effect.
The audience loved it! PJ got a lot of standing ovations and at the end they rushed to the stage and PJ kept shaking hands and kneeling down to kiss the ladies! It was absolutely beautiful. They called him back a few times and PJ came whirling on stage with his jacket loosely over his shoulder, showing his T-shirt and his very special braces! Who would believe he's about to become 70?
This was certainly another night to remember.
The second night should have been the same, but went less flawless. There were some problems with the minidisc and the lighting and sound weren’t good at all. Maybe this was due to a lack of sound check the second day. Also the place was only half sold.
Of course this was another great performance, but with a more tamely reaction from the audience.
All in all it went very very well and let’s hope more’s to follow!
Thank you Ricky Tomlinson for inviting Proby into your show and thank you Vanity Fare for your great support!
5&6 October 2008
Two nights in Benidorm
Ricky Tomlinson’s Laughter Show